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Hispanic-Serving Research Council (HSRC)

hsrc-thumbnail-upload.jpgThe Hispanic-Serving Research Council (HSRC) is a component of UTEP’s larger efforts to create and sustain transformational change for Latinx student success. The HSRC is comprised of a group of educational researchers who work as a collective to identify and articulate points of intersection around research on what it means to serve Latinx students in the context of Hispanic-serving institutions. Members of the HSRC conduct and compile research around servingness within: the field of study, the wider UTEP research community, and cross-institutional HSI collaborations. Through this work, the HSRC strives to grow the capacity of interdisciplinary social scientists who inform institutional transformation with respect to Hispanic-Servingness and to contribute to the literature on Latinx student success in the context of HSIs. 

Spanish Translation
El Consejo de Investigación de Servicio a Hispanos [HSRC por sus siglas en inglés] es un componente de los esfuerzos mayores de UTEP para crear y sostener cambio de manera transformatoria para el éxito de estudiantes latinos/as/x. El HSRC está conformado por un grupo de investigadores educativos, quienes trabajan de manera colectiva para identificar y articular puntos de intersección alrededor de la investigación en cuanto a lo que significa servir a estudiantes latinos/as/x en el contexto de institutiones de servicio a hispanos [HSIs por sus siglas en inglés]. Miembros del HSRC llevan a cabo y recopilan investigación relacionada al servicio [servingness] dentro de: el campo de estudio, la amplia comunidad investigadora de UTEP, y colaboraciones entre instituciones de servicio a hispanos (HSIs). Mediante éste trabajo, el HSRC se esmera en crear la capacidad de científicos sociales interdisciplinarios, quienes informan la transformación institucional en cuanto a lo que significa servir a hispanos y a contribuir a la literatura en relación al éxito de estudiantes latinos/as/x en el contexto de instituciones de servicio a hispanos (HSIs).

(Translation by Isaac Frausto Hernandez, UTEP TLC Doctoral Candidate and Research Associate to the HSRC).

Council Members

convertino-christina-100.png Council Chair:
Christina Convertino, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Department of Teacher Education

cisneros-jesus-100.png Jesus Cisneros, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Educational Leadership and Foundations

dura-lucia-100.png Lucía Durá, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of English;
Director, Rhetoric and Writing Studies Program

frausto-hernandez-isaac-100.png Isaac Frausto Hernadez, Doctoral Student
Department of Teacher Education     

kendall-meagan-100.png Meagan R. Kendall, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Engineering Education and Leadership     

olimpo-jeffrey-100.png Jeffrey Olimpo, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences; Director, InSPIRE     

walker-justice-100.png Justice Walker, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Teacher Education     

Servingness Reference List

This list of references was compiled by the Hispanic-Serving Research Council (HSRC). The selection criteria for publications for the entire list were that publications must include teaching practices, academic interventions, academic reflections, and/or initiatives that encourage or lead to greater academic achievement and outcomes among historically underrepresented students, with particular attention to Latinx students. The first part of the document contains publications on or related to servingness which were authored by UTEP faculty. This part of the list has been organized into empirical publications and theoretical or conceptual publications. The second part of the list includes publications on or related to servingness from outside of UTEP (although in some cases UTEP faculty might be a co-author on a publication). This part of the list has also been organized into empirical and theoretical or conceptual publications. The selection criteria for publications for the entire list were that publications must include teaching practices, academic interventions, academic reflections, and/or initiatives that encourage or lead to greater academic achievement and outcomes. This is not an exhaustive list and so, if we have failed to include a publication that you think should be included, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Christina Convertino, Chair for the HSRC at cconvertino@utep.edu so we can add it.