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Graduate Program Reviews

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board requires each graduate degree program to engage in a self-study that provides a systematic evaluation of the quality of the program and its effectiveness in supporting UTEP's mission.

Click the link below to see the schedule for UTEP's Graduate Program Reviews.

Program Review Schedule

The links below provide information and resources for doing graduate program reviews. 

  1. "Program Review Guidelines" is a document that outlines that steps in a graduate program review
  2. "CIERP Graduate Program Characteristics" is a link to a CIERP page that has program data
  3. "Self-Study Template" is a MS Word document for your self-study that will go to external reviewer
  4. "UTEP Response Template" is a MS Word document for the final response after reviewer feedback that goes to the THECB

Program Review Guidelines

Self-Study Template

UTEP Response Template

UT System Employment Tools
