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Blackboard Goals






Last updated July 6, 2023

Blackboard Goals allow instructors to create and track learning outcomes associated with artifacts inside of the course. Learning outcomes are statements, objectives, and standards that identify the expectations and end result about what students should know, or be able to do, upon completion of a course, program (major and/or degree), and graduation. Aligning course content and assessment to learning outcomes makes it easier to demonstrate how a course meets standards and goals and how student course performance measures up to them. They can also illustrate coherence in curricular objectives across the continuum of learning.

• Focus on exactly students need to achieve in terms of knowledge and skills.
• Guide students in their learning by alleviating concerns about what they need to do to succeed.
• Information about the intellectual and practical skills that a student will possess upon completion.


Outcome Assessment Process

To use learning outcomes as a measure of student success requires outcome assessment, aligning course content, assignments, and assessment to a set of learning outcomes. Blackboard has the functionality to streamline the process of outcome assessment, and help to quantify student success with data gathered from within a course.

Creating a Test/Assignment and Rubric - When Blackboard is used for teaching and learning, faculty can easily create assignments and assessments within the LMS.

Creating an Evidence Collection - Because Blackboard serves as a repository, as well as a content delivery system, assignments and assessments are stored as a collection of work submitted by students.

Sampling a Collection - In addition to requesting artifacts from faculty, College/department evaluators could be provided access to Blackboard into identified courses to gather their sample collections, speeding up the process of gathering and downloading artifacts.

Evaluating an Evidence Set - Rubrics and assignment sheets can be downloaded from Blackboard for use in this part of the evaluation.

Analyzing the Results - This is a key functionality provided by UTEP’s Blackboard. Faculty can align learning outcomes to any type of course content or assessment by using the “Add Alignments” feature.



Course reports can be created and downloaded to measure student performance against desired learning outcomes. The reports come in two versions:

Student Performance - This is a student-centric view measuring how a particular student has performed against the stated outcomes. This is measured by reporting their performance against all graded items that were aligned to an outcome.

Course Performance - This is a course-centric view that shows all student performance against a particular learning outcome. Instructors can view this report for the Outcome / Students in their course.


Getting Started

There are some steps needed in the initial set up process before learning outcomes are uploaded into the Blackboard Learning Management system for institutional use.

1. Learning outcomes should be identified and established by the College/Department.

2. A “Learning Outcome Coordinator (LOC)” should be identified by a College/Department.

3. The LOC will work with Technology Support.

4. The LOC will undergo any additional training.

5. The learning outcomes will be reviewed by the LOC and Technology Support.

View flow chart

To get started or for questions, please submit a request

Upon completion of review and training, learning outcomes will be uploaded into Blackboard Production Environment for faculty and institutional access.


 Help & Support

If you have any questions or need further assistance, contact us at UTEP Technology Support.

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